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You are our best messengers! Let your friends and neighbors know why you’re voting for Elissa. Your personal reason for voting for Elissa is the most persuasive, but feel free to draw inspiration from the message below!
You have TWO votes for D.C. Council At-Large, and Elissa Silverman is asking for one of them. In her time on the Council, Elissa has focused on making D.C. government work for D.C. families and small businesses.
She’s leading the charge to hold government agencies accountable to deliver for D.C. residents. Pulitzer-winning columnist Colbert King recently wrote this of Elissa’s oversight work:
“For years, Silverman has fought a nearly solitary battle to get at the D.C. Housing Authority’s alarming problems… Silverman is, going away, the most deserving of reelection. Her fight for better oversight of city government and housing programs alone is reason enough.”
You can read the full column here.
Elissa has helped create, fund, and reform programs that are helping residents across the District:
- Passed and implemented D.C.’s Paid Family Leave program, which recently increased benefits AND cut taxes
- Helped thousands of workers access unemployment benefits during the pandemic
- Expanded education and training in healthcare and I.T. for D.C. residents
- Provided pandemic aid to local businesses
- Partnered with Attorney General Racine to fund D.C.’s Cure the Streets violence interruption program
- Invested in eviction prevention, and funded programs to help seniors stay in their homes
Elissa has always funded her campaigns with small donations from D.C. residents, NOT from corporations or PACs. This year she’s participating in D.C.’s Fair Elections program, a law she helped put in place.
Vote Elissa as one of your two votes for D.C. Council At-Large!
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